Interested in resources and support for caregivers in the Vancouver area?

Vancouver Coastal Health is promoting their resources and group meetings for those providing support to others. They have monthly support group meetings in several locations around Vancouver. For more information, check out their website, call 604-877-4699 or email

Talks and conferences coming up

The Neuroethics research group at UBC is hosting a talk and following panel discussion. The event is titled Choice, Capacities and Consciousness: Brain Images and You. The event includes a talk by a researcher from Cornell University on Medical Ethics: Rights come to mind: Narratives, Neuroethics, and Disorders of Consciousness. Then there will be a panel discussion on the topic. The flyer we have says 3-5pm on Friday, March 15th. But…. Friday is March 16th… We’ll check closer to the date.

Later in the spring (May 30-June 1) BrainTrust Canada is hosting the 2012 Okanagan Conference on Brain Injury. The theme is The Art of Wellness after Acquired Brain Injury – A positive approach to living for individuals after ABI. The event will be held at the Naramata Conference Centre. Perhaps a combination conference and wine-tasting trip? Check out their website for more information if you are interested.


Anne Harris’s article on Yoga and Pilates for the Neurological Community Published in Directions (PABC)

Anne Harris was invited to write an article that touches on using Yoga and Pilates with those living with and rehabbing from neurological conditions. The article was published in the current issue of Directions, the quarterly journal of the Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia. [Download the pdf file with this link]

If you are interested in these unique courses offered here at Neuro-Ability, please take a look here at the Neuro-Ability Small-Group Exercise Course Link. Feel free to email Anne Harris: